Christ Ambassadors

Brief History of Christ Ambassadors

The association is a voluntary,non-political,non-profit making, international and interdenominational organization that cuts across regions, race and status.The oldest and the world's largest women's movement so far.She champions the courses of women and girls and provides for the less privileged in the society.

The YWCA of Nigeria was established in 1906, originally as a part of the global YWCA movement which began in London in 1855.The Nigerian branch was founded by British missionaries who sought to provide support and development opportunities for young women and girls.

The organization operates through a network of local branches of which YWCA of St Paul's Ang church Oke-Afa and other branches across Nigeria are part of,engaging in playing a vital role in advancing welfare and right of women for instance GENDER EQUALITY in the country.

The Association (YWCA) was introduced to St Paul's Ang. church Oke-Afa by St Paul's Ang.Church Ishagatedo,Isolo and was Inaugurated on 26th May 2000.The pioneer leader was Late Sis Joy Olu to the blessed memory followed by Sis Kate Onyechi, Late Evang.Josphine Godson and Sis Amaka Enuka,the immediate past chairman. YWCA SPACO has been contributing to the growth of the church since inception.

Our Mission

To unite members in groups for fellowship,service and activities which promote their spiritual,mental, social and physical welfare.

To awaken in them a sense of social responsibility which will result in the betterment of their families and community.

To foster understanding and appreciation of the beliefs and customs of other nationalities and races.

Our Vision

A National Movement Of Over 20 Thousand Women And Girls Working For Justice,Peace,Health,Human Dignity And Freedom Of Worship In Nigeria.

Our Recurring Programs

Our Executives

The Church6

Amb. Emmanuel Odega

The Church6

Ambrs. Ruby N. Odega

The Church6

Amb. Emeka Oboegbu

The Church6

Amb Steve Onuorah

Vice President
The Church6

Ambrs Nkeiruka Achu

The Church6

Ambrs. Chidinma Ndukwu

Ass. Secretary
The Church6

Amb. Barnabas Asika

Financial Secretary
The Church6

Amb. Afamefuna Oranusi

Ass Fin. Secretary
The Church6

Ambrs Nkiru Godfry

The Church6

Amb Godwin Odogwu

Bible Study Secretary
The Church6

Ambrs Enuma Nworah

Ass. Bible Study Secretary
The Church6

Amb. Chibuzor Mefor

Evangelism Secretary
The Church6

Ambrs Ugochi Oboegbu

Ass. Evang. Secretary
The Church6

Ambrs. Uchenna Okoye

Welfare Secretary
The Church6

Ambrs Elizabeth Asika

Ass. Welfare Secretary
The Church6

Ambrs. Peace Odogwu

Protocol Secretary
The Church6

Amb. Chinonomso Iguebe

Publicity Secretary
The Church6

Amb. Duke Nwabuo

Music Secretary
The Church6

Ambrs. Juliana Iloh

Drama Secretary
The Church6

Ambrs Ngozi Egbocha

Widow/ Widower Secretary
The Church6

Amb. Rowland Orji

Youth Secretary
The Church6

Ambrs. Ifeoma Okafor

Ass. Youth Secretary
The Church6

Amb Chekwube Nwafor

Technical Secretary
The Church6

Ambrs Ijeoma Onunekwu

Library Secretary
The Church6

Amb. Bon Nwabuko

The Church6

Amb. Eugene Eriobu

The Church6

Amb. Emeka Mgbeahuru

The Church6

Amb. Ken Ojukwu

Liason Officer/ Adviser
The Church6

Amb. Daniel Ihieme

Bus Maintenance Secretary
The Church6

Amb. Ntomchukwu Nwanekezi

Ass. Bus. Maintenance
The Church6

Ambrs. Stella Ezeanya

Sister’s Fellowship Secretary.
The Church6

Amb. Emeka Nnodebe

Medical Secretary